Ritsumeikan University 立命館大学
AY2023 Spring Semester TA Activity Survey (For TA use)

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※11digits. Use single-byte characters

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  (Re-enter your E-mail address to verify.)
Q1. Please share with us, the reason you became a TA (Multiple answers are allowed)
1. To acquire skills and experience as an educator for my academic / career interests
2. Had general interests in the class offered
3. Request by a faculty
4. To develop skills other than as an educator
5. Financial reasons
For those who chose 4: Please specify;

(Q1) Other

Q2. Considering your answer in Q1, how satisfied were you?
1. Very satisfied
2. Somewhat satisfied
3. Not so satisfied
4. Unsatisfied
Q3. Tell us about subjects you were involved in while you were a TA.
(Choose any 3 from the subjects you were involved in.)

(Subject1) Subject

(Suject1) Faculty in charge

(Subject1) Subject code ※1
※1 If you know

(Subject1) 1. Style of class
1. Lectures
2. Seminars
3. Experiments / Workshops
(Subject1) Other

(Subject1) 2. Class size
1. Small (1 - 30 students)
2. Medium (30 - 100 students)
3. Large (Over 100 students)
(Subject1) 3. Job description (Multiple answers are allowed)
1. Handing out / collecting class materials
2. Creating resume / class materials
3. Assisting in correction of reports / quizzes
4. Individual coaching on students & answering students' questions
5. Assisting in experiments
6. Attendance management
7. Grade management
8. Operation of information devices
(Subject1) Other

(Subject1) 4. Amount of work
1. Not enough
2. A little less than expected
3. Reasonable
4. A little too much
5. Too much
(Subject1) 5. Things you felt (a) burden(s) (Multiple answers are allowed)
1. The time I spent at work
2. Deep understanding of the course
3. Communicating with students in the class
4. Communicating with the faculty in charge
5. Nothing particular
(Subject1) Other

(Subject1) 6. Things that you think improved in the class with the help of TA's job? (Multiple answers are allowed)
1. Faculty and students became closer
2. Students understood the subject better
3. Helped the class run smoothly
4. Private talks during lectures were reduced
5. Led to the higher attendance rate
6. Submission rate or the quality of assignments was improved
(Subject1) Other

(Subject1) 7. Did you have any troubles or problems communicating with students or faculty?
1. Yes
2. No
(Subject1) For those who chose 1. Yes (Please specify;

(Subject1) 8. The roles of TA and ES were clear and worked well.
1. Yes
2. No
3. There was no ES.
(Subject1) For those who chose 1 or 2;
1.Yes (What are the roles of ES?) 2.No (How do you think the work should have been separated?)

※Move to Question 4, if you were involved in only one subject.

(Subject2) Subject

(Subject2) Faculty in charge

(Subject2) Subject code ※1
※1 If you know

(Subject2) 1. Style of class
1. Lectures
2. Seminars
3. Experiments / Workshops
(Subject2) Other

(Subject2) 2. Class size
1. Small (1 - 30 students)
2. Medium (30 - 100 students)
3. Large (Over 100 students)
(Subject2) 3. Job description (Multiple answers are allowed)
1. Handing out / collecting class materials
2. Creating resume / class materials
3. Assisting in correction of reports / quizzes
4. Individual coaching on students & answering students' questions
5. Assisting in experiments
6. Attendance management
7. Grade management
8. Operation of information devices
(Subject2) Other

(Subject2) 4. Amount of work
1. Not enough
2. A little less than expected
3. Reasonable
4. A little too much
5. Too much
(Subject2) 5. Things you felt (a) burden(s)  (Multiple answers are allowed)
1. The time I spent at work
2. Deep understanding of the course
3. Communicating with students in the class
4. Communicating with the faculty in charge
5. Nothing particular
(Subject2) Other

(Subject2) 6. Things that you think improved in the class with the help of TA's job? (Multiple answers are allowed)
1. Faculty and students became closer
2. Students understood the subject better
3. Helped the class run smoothly
4. Private talks during lectures were reduced
5. Led to the higher attendance rate
6. Submission rate or the quality of assignments was improved
(Subject2) Other

(Subject2) 7. Did you have any troubles or problems communicating with students or faculty?
1. Yes
2. No
(Subject2) For those who chose 1. Yes (Please specify;

(Subject2) 8. The roles of TA and ES were clear and worked well.
1. Yes
2. No
3. There was no ES.
(Subject2) For those who chose 1 or 2;
1.Yes (What are the roles of ES?) 2.No (How do you think the work should have been separated?)

※Move to Question 4, if you were involved in two subjects only.

(Subject3) Subject

(Subject3) Faculty in charge

(Subject3) Subject code ※1
※1 If you know

(Subject3) 1. Style of class
1. Lectures
2. Seminars
3. Experiments / Workshops
(Other3) Other

(Subject3) 2. Class size
1. Small (1 - 30 students)
2. Medium (30 - 100 students)
3. Large (Over 100 students)
(Subject3) 3. Job description (Multiple answers are allowed)
1. Handing out / collecting class materials
2. Creating resume / class materials
3. Assisting in correction of reports / quizzes
4. Individual coaching on students & answering students' questions
5. Assisting in experiments
6. Attendance management
7. Grade management
8. Operation of information devices
(Subject3) Other

(Subject3) 4. Amount of work
1. Not enough
2. A little less than expected
3. Reasonable
4. A little too much
5. Too much
(Subject3) 5. Things you felt (a) burden(s) (Multiple answers are allowed)
1. The time I spent at work
2. Deep understanding of the course
3. Communicating with students in the class
4. Communicating with the faculty in charge
5. Nothing particular
(Subject3) Other

(Subject3) 6. Things that you think improved in the class with the help of TA's job? (Multiple answers are allowed)
1. Faculty and students became closer
2. Students understood the subject better
3. Helped the class run smoothly
4. Private talks during lectures were reduced
5. Led to the higher attendance rate
6. Submission rate or the quality of assignments was improved
(Subject3) Other

(Subject3) 7. Did you have any troubles or problems communicating with students or faculty?
1. Yes
2. No
(Subject3) For those who chose 1. Yes (Please specify;

(Subject3) 8. The roles of TA and ES were clear and worked well.
1. Yes
2. No
3. There was no ES.
(Subject3) For those who chose 1 or 2;
1.Yes (What are the roles of ES?) 2.No (How do you think the work should have been separated?)

From Q4 and on, we ask everyone to answer the questions.

Q4. Select things you learned from your TA experience from below that you think you can use in the future. (Multiple answers are allowed)
1. Communication skills
2. Skills of explaining / persuading
3. Acquisition of specialized knowledge
4. Understanding the current situation of college education
5. Acquisition of methods on designing the class
6. Acquisition of methods on creating course materials
7. Class operation / Acquisition of education method
8. Acquisition of information devices operation
(Q4) Other

Q5. Select topics you wish us to explain at TA guidance sessions or training sessions (Multiple answers are allowed)
1. Sharing a goal of the class
2. Guidance on teaching method
3. Important points on operating a class
4. Significance of a TA program
5. Current situation of higher education within or outside Japan
6. Educational issues for a university as a whole and countermeasures to solve those issues
7. Educational issues at your (graduate)school and countermeasures to solve the issues
8. How to make class schedule and syllabus
9. How to create and utilize multimedia-class materials
10. How to communicate with students

Q6. Please enter your comments or any requests regarding TA guidance session or training session.

Q7. If you have any concerns or if you noticed anything that requires improvements regarding TA work, please enter below.
(If you have got affected by the impact of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) regarding TA work, please enter below as well.)