
You can send any inquiries or requests to our company using the form below (English only). Our staff will contact you as soon as possible. When using the inquiry form, please be sure to read the "Privacy Policy" below. If you agree with the contents, please enter the necessary information in the form below and click the "Input Content Confirmation Screen" button.

Company name



Email address

Telephone number


Estimated timeline


Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

BIGONE, Inc., (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) believes it is our responsibility to protect customers’ privacy, personal information, and settings when conducting our business activities. All applications and inquiries sent from our website, applications using our application form, inquiries via email or telephone will be handled as follows to ensure the proper management of personal information provided by customers, which can be used to identify individuals (hereinafter referred to as “personal information”). Personal information is information used to identify customers and includes the name, address, telephone number, and email address. When collecting personal information, the company clearly states the purpose of collecting such personal information and does so within the necessary scope. The company shall endeavor to ensure proper management of collected personal information and take the necessary security safeguards to protect personal information against leakage, alteration, and unauthorized access. The company does not provide nor does it disclose the collected personal information to third parties, in principle, except in the following cases. 1.When the disclosure is required under the authority based on laws and regulations. 2.When the company determines that it is necessary to protect the rights, interests, honor, and trust of the company and other customers. 3.When it is required to conduct operations in cooperation with a subcontractor who has signed a nondisclosure agreement with us. *In this case, the company requires the relevant subcontractor to ensure proper management similar to the company. When a customer wishes to inquire or correct the personal information, the company will do its best to handle such a request upon confirming the identity of the customer according to the method specified by the company. The company shall comply with applicable Japanese laws, regulations, and other rules for personal information held by the company and review this Privacy Policy when appropriate and endeavor to make improvements. Established on July 1, 2020 [Inquiries regarding personal information]