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Personal information entered by our customer on our website will be handled in accordance with “Basic Policies of Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd. Concerning Privacy Protection” and “Handling of Personal Information on Our Web Site”.
To ensure compliance with the Law for Privacy Protection and other regulations, Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd. ("Nippon Paper Industries") has established voluntary rules and set up an organization for the management of personal data of customers, partners, employees, and other stakeholders of Nippon Paper Industries that are used in the course of daily businesses. The basic policies set out the policies of the highest hierarchy of Nippon Paper Industries for the protection of privacy, and we declare that we are committed to instituting a range of measures pursuant to the basic policies.
Nippon Paper Industries shall use personal data for the following purposes:
Group Companies
Nippon Paper Industries may provide the minimum amount of personal data to its contractors, within the scope necessary for achieving the purposes of use. In such cases, the contractors will be urged to thoroughly implement management measures pursuant to the basic policies.
Nippon Paper Industries shall not provide personal data to a third party other than the Group companies and contractors, without prior consent. However, personal data may be disclosed to a third person without prior consent in the following cases:
Nippon Paper Industries shall collect personal data through appropriate and lawful means.
Appellation: Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd. Address: Please see here. Name of the representative: Please see here.
Nippon Paper Industries shall establish a point of contact for accepting inquiries for the disclosure of personal data and others, and shall take reasonable measures without delay pursuant to laws and regulations.
General Affairs Department, General Affairs and Personnel Division, Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd.
TEL: +81-3-6665-1008 Phone calls are accepted between 9:15 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. and between 1:00 p.m. and 5:15 p.m.
The basic policies may be changed when necessary. The latest policies can be confirmed on this website.
Established on April 1, 2005Revised on April 1, 2022 Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd.
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