Please fill out the following questionnaire.
Note: Your ID # will be used only for strictly statistical purpose, to categorize data for each fiscal year, thus your feedback will be processed as anonymous.

Q1: Name of JSPS Fellowship Program [Entry required]

Q2:Fellow's ID Number[Entry required]
L: Long-term/ S: Short-term/E: short-term S/BR: BRIDGE +Enter the five digit numbers

Q3: How did you know about this program?
Please check all that apply
1 Through JSPS’s website
2 Through a JSPS poster or pamphlet  
3 Through an advertisement by a JSPS overseas office
4 From my colleague
5 From my previous fellow/host researcher
6 From my fellow/host researcher 
7 Through an announcement by an overseas nominating authority
8 Other
If you chose #8 "Other," please specify (Within 100 letters)

Q4: Have you ever participated in JSPS’s programs other than this program?
1 I have never participated in any of JSPS’s programs.
2 The JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
3 The JSPS Summer Program
4 The JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research in Japan
5 The JSPS RONPAKU (Dissertation Ph.D.) Program
6 Other JSPS Programs
If you chose #6 "Other," please specify (Within 100 letters)

Q5: How did you get acquainted with your host researcher ?
Please check all that apply
1 Introduced by my research collaborator
2 Through academic conferences
3 No personal acquaintance until this invitation fellowship program
4 Other
If you chose #4 "Other," please specify (Within 100 letters)

Q6: Did JSPS web site provide you with clear information about this program such as the program overview, the contents of fellowship, and the application procedures?

If you chose #2 "No," please specify (Within 450 letters)

Q7: From JSPS’s website, did you easily get information and documents necessary for your application such as the application guidelines and forms?

Q8: Did JSPS' s pre-departure information (e.g., “Program Guidelines”, “Air Ticket Application Information”, “Life in Japan for Foreign Researchers” ) provide you with a clear description of the steps you need?

Q9: Did you easily understand the procedures for your fellowship?

Q10.: Did JSPS and other relevant institutions provide you with prompt and appropriate answers to your questions?

Q11: What kind of problems did you face to come to Japan and during your stay in Japan?
1 Obtaining visa/changing status of residence
2 Obtaining information about accommodation
3 Insurance procedure
4 Opening bank account
5 Other
If you chose #5 "Other," please specify (Within 200 letters)

Q12: How did you find the amount of monthly allowance?

Q13: How much did you accomplish your research goals?

Q14: Did this fellowship program lead you to academic achievements such as publishing your research paper?
1 I co-authored a research paper, and it was published in an academic journal.
2 I coauthored a research paper and submitted it to an academic journal.
3 Newspapers and magazines covered my lectures carried out under this program.
4 Our joint research activity carried out under this fellowship program was awarded.
5 Other
If you chose #5 "Other," please specify (Within 200 letters)

Q15: How do you evaluate this program as a whole?

Q16: If you have any comments on this program, please describe (Within 900 letters)


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