メールアドレス登録 Email Address Registration


Please register your email address as a HOPE Meeting applicant.
Our website (URL) will be automatically sent to your registered address. Please use it to register your password.
The email address you registered will be your applicant’s ID from this point on.

申請者メールアドレス [必須] Applicant’s email address [Required]
確認のため再入力ください [必須] Re-enter your email address to confirm its accuracy. [Required]

ご登録される情報は、暗号化された通信(SSL)で保護され、プライバシーマークやISO27001/JIS Q 27001, ISO27017, ISO20000-1, ISO9001などの認証を取得している株式会社パイプドビッツによる情報管理システム「スパイラル」で安全に管理されます。
The information registered on this site will be protected via encrypted transmission (SSL) and will be managed securely by "Spiral", a database-management ASP service provided by PIPED BITS Co.,Ltd., which is certified by JIPDEC Privacy Mark, ISO 27001/JIS Q 27001, ISO27017, ISO 20000-1, ISO 9001, and etc standards.