塩田千春 つながる私

Chiharu Shiota I to Eye


Please think about what you are connected to, and submit your thoughts as written texts.
Your submissions will be used in an installation by Chiharu Shiota.
Please use the following format.


・フォームに直接入力いただくか、Microsoft WordもしくはPDFファイルをアップロードしてください。

受付期間 2024年7月31日(水)まで

- A4 size white paper (Type of paper and whiteness do not matter, and you can use lined paper if you want.)
- One sheet, using only the front side
- Text may be in any color.
- Use whatever language you want to.

Other details
- Either input your text directly into the form or upload a Microsoft Word or PDF file.
- If inputting directly into the form, you cannot specify font size or color.
- The organizers will print out your message on A4 paper (1 sheet).
- Age, gender, nationality, and other personal details are not required.
- Submissions are accepted on the basis that they are submitted free of charge.
- You may submit any number of texts.
- The copyright of submissions is transferred to the organizers at the time of submission.
- Any personal information in your submission may be open to view in the installation.
- The organizers cannot respond to inquiries about your text after submission.

Submission period: up to July 31, 2024 (Wednesday)

Upload a Microsoft Word or PDF file. Microsoft WordもしくはPDFファイルを添付ください。

Input your text directly into the form. 直接入力を希望される方はこちらに入力ください。

ご登録される情報は、暗号化された通信(SSL)で保護され、プライバシーマークやISO27001/JIS Q 27001, ISO27017, ISO20000-1, ISO9001などの認証を取得している株式会社パイプドビッツによる情報管理システム「スパイラル」で安全に管理されます。